
Release: v2.7.3
New decay kinetic method (as time between two settable points, similar to rise time). "Decay %" is now renamed to "Decay time".
'Region Positions' window for Curve Fitting for placing regions numerically and storing positions across analysis sessions.
Events omit-times option to set times relative to record start time.
Release: v2.7.0
Load CSV and Igor (.IBW) files.
Events analysis now available for current-clamp data.
Option to reshape single-record files into multi-record on load, improving performance.
Split Events analysis results into time bins.
Delete multiple events at once (holding CTRL+D).
General speed-ups for file loading and AP detection.
Add 'bandpass' and 'bandstop' filter modes.
Option to adjust left side of Events average and overlay windows.
New 'minimum distance between APs' option for AP detection (set 1ms default).
'Local maximum period (ms)' renamed to 'Minimum IEI (ms)'.
Default 1 ms minimum distance between action potentials set in AP detection.
Fix poor detection when detecting positive events in Events Template mode with large local maximum period.
Handle Spike2 SMR files with different properties (e.g. samples) across channel within the same record.
Fix crash on 'Remove Baseline' when plot is zoomed extremely far in.
Handle opening Events frequency plot after only running 'refine' analysis.
Display correlation in 'refine' mode when 'Analyse specific records' is on.
v2.7.1 and v2.7.2
Minor improvements to free-trial mechanism.
Release: v2.6.0
Major backend upgrades to ensure future extensibility.
Export all plots to standard image formats (e.g. PNG, JPEG, TIFF) and SVG.
Events Overlay window to visualise all detected events at once and easily remove outliers.
Group detected events and selectively view the grouped results.
Automated stimulus artefact removal.
Perform pointwise addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of records.
Load multiple files at once (concatenating them together).
Added 'count' to summary statistics results.
Local maximum option extended to Events Template.
Toggle upper-plot x-ticks on or off in Graph View Options.
Gracefully handle corrupt .abf file tags.
Load Wavesurfer files with missing records.
Permit 1-record Input Resistance analysis with user input Im.
Events RMS threshold (upper) displays correctly on the main plot for positive events
- Overlay window is now closed when Events analysis window is closed.
- Support Interleave HEKA files
- Calculate RMS within a region
- Allow concatenating multi-record files in multi-file loading.
- Support HEKA files with more planned than executed traces
- Fix offset baseline in 'first baseline cross' event analysis mode
Release: v2.5.0
Burst detection and analysis for event and action potential recordings
Phase-plot analysis of action potential waveforms
Area under curve added to Curve Fitting analysis
Summary statistics added to Events cumulative probability / histogram tables (e.g. frequency, amplitude)
Event times added to Events cumulative probability / histogram results
New option for multi-template event detection – detect in order of templates (rather than to best fit)
Fixed failed loading of v2.3.3 Events files into v2.4.0
Fixed Curve Fitting baseline display single-sample deviation
Program no longer crashes on rheobase analysis of single record files
Display fixed after nearest neighbour interpolation
Name of threshold 'Curved' option changed to 'Curve' for consistency with baseline
Fixed Events omit times window crash if start time equals stop time or non-consecutive times
Bug fixes incorporating v2.5.0.1 and v2.5.0.2:
Fix issue with installing on macOS later than Catalina (v2.5.0.1)
Fix trial failing to initialize on macOS later than Catalina (v2.5.0.2)
Fix Events refine crash when individual events displayed using Template 2 or 3.
Fixed Detrend failing to update main plot in certain cases.
Release: v2.4.0
HEKA, WaveSurfer and Spike2 file support
Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis and overlay plots of two cumulative distributions
Summary statistics on results table (mean, standard deviation and error)
Display files row-wise on results table
Area under curve analysis, thresholding and plots for Events
Normalize average event before analysis
Sort Events cumulative distribution / histogram data by event number
Curved Events baseline / threshold optimised for faster performance
Axis-specific zooming (keyboard shortcuts)
Cut-trace length improved time options
New 'Info' and keyboard shortcuts information windows.
Identical event peak times (e.g. if time is normalized) now supported
​Events changes in batch mode updated even if table tab is not switched to before the next file is loaded.
Template width parameter updated from stored templates.
​Fixed program crash if average event kinetics are manually edited and the currently displayed record is not 1
ISI calculated with 2 spikes now shows 'n/a' rather than 1
v2.3.0-beta - v2.3.3-beta
05.10.2021 - 4/11/2021
Events Analysis
'Fourier deconvolution' and 'detection criterion' methods
Multi-record files now supported
Manually edit event kinetics
Save entire Events analysis (e.g. plot, all results)
Full biexponential fitting
Improve or exclude events based on R² of fit
Calculate and plot histogram
More histogram / cumulative probability binning and plotting options
Improved event baseline and end point detection
Store event templates in a repository for later use
Analyze with up to three templates simultaneously
Improved Refine Events interface and averaging options
Improved event foot detection
RMS threshold shown on plot
Correlation detection method 20X faster
R² added for all Curve Fitting and Events fits
Max slope analysis added to Events, Curve Fitting and AP Kinetics analysis
Generate Axon Im protocol from file header (current clamp mode)
Axon tags now shown on file details
Legacy options available for analysis with v2.2.0-beta settings
Zoom in / out with new buttons or mouse wheel in any zoom mode
New keyboard shortcuts (U: Zoom out, Z: step plot left and X: step plot right)
Input Resistance / Curve Fitting
Set different region positions on each record
Im and Vm baseline and steady state shown in Input Resistance results
Manually delete outliers on plot to recalculate Input Resistance
'Baseline' and 'Measure' labels added to Curve Fitting moveable regions
Warning shown for large single-record files that might reduce performance - reshape to multiple records recommended
Reshape single-record to multi-record files does not automatically normalize time
Analysis selection dropdown menu option added
New Features
View all file channels during / after file loading
New fast trim button for refine average event, all trim button speed scale with the sampling rate
Calculate frequency data with >2 rather than >5 events
Z / X panning buttons fixed after single-to-multi record data reshape
Table now defaults to event kinetics if re-calculated analysis no longer contains >2 events
Action-potential per-spike can no longer cause program exit
Manually input channel units when they are not readable from file header
ABF files with tags now supported
Release: v2.2.0-beta
Offline activation
Analyze Action Potential Kinetics across all records in one click
Set specific records to analyze separately across analysis types
- Option to override units (e.g. A) in file header or specify conversion to pA / mV from known units
- Use R = V / I to calculate Ri if only a single record is analyzed
Input resistance sag is now calculated as:
Sag (or Hump) - the minimum (or maximum) voltage minus the steady state voltage after current injection
Sag (or Hump) ratio - the Sag (or Hump) divided by the minimum (or maximum) voltage change
Improved message-box display on macOS
Linear threshold lower / baseline label now reads 'pA' not 'mV' for events analysis
Spike kinetics now handles decay period < 1 sample
Spike kinetics displayed in time-order after manual selection on records longer than 10 s
Events Analysis handles manual selection with RMS option if RMS was not used for main analysis
Minimize buttons returned to Windows version
Release: v2.1.0-beta
Load AxoGraph .axgx and .axgd files
Support for high-DPI display
Upgrade certificate - no SmartScreen warning on install
<1 sample width for graph window size that could lead to crash is no longer possible
Action potential kinetics option to calculate decay from threshold checkbox now updates on dialog reopen
Gracefully handle rare bug in cryptography leading to failure to read config file on new install
Release: v2.0.0-beta
Mac OS Catalina version released
All analysis code is now open source (GPL v2) and available at: https://github.com/easy-electrophysiology/easy-electrophysiology-analysis
Use RMS of baseline as an Event threshold
Generate a ramp Im protocol for rheobase calculation
Improved file loading:
Set default channels to load (avoid manually specifying for each file)
Option to automatically normalize time on file load
Save file loading options as defaults for later use
Concatenate all records into a single record (enables Event analysis for multi-record files)
Increase graphics performance with pre-set X-axis view range.
Curve Fitting and Events progress bar updates with percentage of analysis complete
Fixed non-deterministic crashing during Events and Curve Fitting analysis.
Added maximum memory usage limits to prevent overflow with large datasets
Fixed cursor not returning to arrow from hand after drawn line finished for Lower Threshold
Table header pA units now update as mV during voltage clamp curve fitting analysis
Extended Cut Trace start time maximum from an arbitrary limit of 99 seconds.
Amplitude threshold and decay search periods options save to defaults from the Events Template analysis pane
Filter and Detrend data preview - Vm vs. Im y-axis labels updates correctly for current vs. voltage clamp files