
Easy Electrophysiology is an integrated analysis environment including routines for curve fitting, post-synaptic event and action potential analyses, data resampling, filtering, detrending and more.
All analysis code is open source, so you know exactly what is happening to your data.
High-performance interactive graphs permit convenient inspection and editing of results, with tabular data easily exported to .xlsx and .csv format. Analysis settings can be conveniently saved across sessions, while a 'Batch Mode' allows rapid sequential analysis convenient for the analysis of large datasets.
Please see below for data tools and analysis possibilities
Electrophysiology data
loads .ABF, AxonGraph, .WCP / .EDR, HEKA, WaveSurfer and Spike2 files
Save all traces and results to .csv and .xlsx
Curve Fitting
Interactive fitting windows for flexible baseline and fit-region specification
Fit up to 6 curves on a record at once and fit across all records in one click
Fitting of:
Minimum, maximum, mean, median​
Area under curve
Max slope
Monoexponential decay
Biexponential decay
Triexponential decay
Biexponential 'Event' including event kinetic analysis

Event Detection
Generate and refine a template biexponential curve by fitting to your data
Detect events with template-matching (with correlation, detection criterion or deconvoltuion methods) or peak-threshold algorithms
Automated baseline and decay routines allow event detection robust to complex waveforms
Convenient graphical interface for template fitting and manual event selection / rejection
Specify amplitude and baseline thresholds as a:
straight line
polynomial curve
RMS threshold
draw by hand
Automated event parameter calculation:
Upsample to 200 kHz before parameter estimation
rise times (specify low/high cutoff e.g. 10-90)
thrise, decay, half width
area under curve
fit monoexponential, biexponentials to all events
decay with amplitude % method
Generate and plot cumulative probabilities / histograms

Action Potential Counting
- Automated action-potential (AP) detection algorithms.
- Specify a cut-off or use automatic detection of individual spikes.
Calculation of:
first-spike latency
mean inter-spike interval
spike-frequent accommodation (first / last spike division and local variance methods)
​View and save peak times for every AP in the recording.

Action Potential Kinetics
Auto-detect or manually select spikes for kinetic analysis​
Interpolate to 200 kHz sampling frequency before rise time and half-width analysis.
Rise and decay time (user can input % cut-offs e.g. 10-90)
Half width
Multiple threshold-measurement methods, including:
first and third derivative (specify a cut-off or take maximum), phase-space methods (Sekerli et al., 2004).
Fast and medim after-hyperpolarisation (fAHP and mAHP).
Phase plot analysis

Input Resistance (current clamp)
Calculate current injection from data or input your own protocols​.
Calculate input resistance as linear fit to ΔV / ΔI data
Measure voltage sag or hump.

Data Tools
Upsampling (cubic spline, linear or nearest-neighbour)
Downsampling (with lowpass filtering)
Filtering (bessel, butterworth)
Detrending (linear, polynomial)
Baseline removal
Average across records
Cut and edit record length
Concatenate or reshape record number

Analysis Methods
Conveniently view summary statistics of all analyzed parameters
Kolmogorov-Smirnov analyses of data distributions
Burst detection and analysis for Events and Action Potentials